Consultation on Research Projects
The Tekijuku Commemoration Center will promote research projects in fields related to Tekijuku, Osaka and the Netherlands, and disseminate the findings of these studies by setting up a room stored with written reference materials concerning Tekijuku. The reference room is currently being prepared. The Center will continue to augment its collection of reference materials at every opportunity.
* Preparation is currently underway to provide reference materials and historical records for public reading.
Inquiries about Tekijuku-related Research
Available Services
We offer consultation services concerning research and surveys or access to reference materials for postgraduate students of Osaka University and other institutions, and researchers who belong (or used to belong) to universities, who aim to pursue Tekijuku-related academic research.
Where to Apply
Inquiries should be directed to the address below. Although we will make every effort to respond, please be advised that we may not be able to comply with your request under the present system of the Tekijuku Commemoration Center, or we may take time to respond to your inquiry depending upon the content.
- Tekijuku Commemoration Center
Osaka University Hall, 1-13 Machikaneyama-cho, Toyonaka 560-0043, Osaka, Japan - E-mail: kinenkai [a]
- (To send e-mail, type the above address replacing [a] with "@".)
Where to Apply
We may lend out images and other materials in possession of the Center, if certain conditions are met, and details of the requested images, the intended media, and the purpose of use is provided. Loan applicants must submit an application form.
Where to Apply
- Same as above